When I sit down to write an article for this newsletter I think about what I've been involved in most recently. Just yesterday, I did a memorial service for one of our Alumni, Katie, who came to us in November 1996. She had been living under a truck and was suicidal, both a prostitute and heroin addict. Her life was a total mess, but truly got saved, got her children back and has held onto Jesus throughout these many years. The united family celebrated her life of devotion. I often thank God when He shows us what we have been able to do over the years, so we can see His miraculous power. This gives us the desire to press on, to allow Him to continue the work He has begun at Church on the Street.
For the longest time, my wife felt like God was punishing her. You see, Louene and I never had children of our own. But now, in retrospect, I must say that God has a real sense of humor! Now we keep on having them, and they all come to us, grown-up with problems. We couldn't ask for anything better. However, like any growing family, with the increase comes added expenses. Church on the Street is frugal and wise in our spending. Our new locations in Payson and Gallup are quickly becoming self-sufficient. It's the home front that needs an increase in a steady monthly sustenance. Costs have escalated in insurances, vehicle repairs, equipment supplies, utilities and other basic operational expenses.
As the years to by, God remains the center of my life. He never gets old. This life He has called us to live is exiting and challenging, never boring. It continually gives you the desire to press on. I have been serving God for forty-four years, and the drive is just as strong today as it have ever been. Lord, where do we go from here? Is COVID-19 going to stop us? A resounding, NO! God says in His Word that all things work together for the good, to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Church on the Street passionately loves the Lord and is called to win and build men and women for Jesus Christ. So, let's go and take the land!
Serving God never gets old. After forty-four years, the excitement of following God's will is the most adventurous way of life. The people who know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Through the Lord's mercies, we are not consumed because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. As we see people come and go, we watch God change and develop them. He brings out their talents, gives them the heart of God, and sends them out with boldness into the harvest fields. When they are ready, God moves them on and sends us another group. And, the new adventure begins again. In these turbulent time, we press on. Our Sovereign God is for us, who can be against us!
For more than the past forty years, I have been preaching the Gospel on the streets, in the jails and behind the prison walls. It's been an exciting adventure! I have seen many wonderful testimonies of salvation, healing, changed lives and restored marriages and families. God has been good. And, we look forward to the future, for Church on the Street to continue with its mission of winning and building people for Jesus Christ. Because of the current pandemic, we have had to shut down many of our outreaches. Although we have had to step backwards a bit, it has simply been a motivation to press on, seeking God for the future. I continue to remind our disciples, "Let God be God!"
Church on the Street - Phoenix
3118 W. CLARENDON Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85017
Email: mail@cotsphoenix.com ** Office 602.257.8918
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